Okay, new year. New thoughts. Must be happy so that I may ...fly off to Neverneverland? Too much Johnny Depp lovin' and thinking of Barrie and Peter Pan.
Rather will try to begin new year by using voice of Bridget Jones. A new, but embarrassing(?), heroine. Here goes:
110lbs. (I think. No scale available though will considering bringing one to school for this experiment), 0 alcohol units (will try harder tomorrow though it will be Wednesday), 0 cigarettes (still have never tried one myself, excellent work for being me and not Bridget-in-me though), 10 people I have either talked to or helped today (much fun).
Think I should face that writing like Helen Fielding would be impossible as I am not Helen Fielding. However, do like this inner monologue type feeling. Makes me feel better to talk to myself in British voice than own--perhaps, think I sound smarter?
Anyway, today woke up at home. Got ready for school. Drove down with mom. Mom was a bit nuts. I slowly rode over a pothole, but it was not just any pothole. It was, "The biggest pothole!" And shouldn't I know this? Then she asked if I were in a rush. Well, yes I was in a rush, but not that I would tell her I was. I mean it only seemed natural that I would speed toward school with her yelling at me about a pothole. She then proceeded to ask about the tires and how I did not make the effort, etc. But do not want to think about that. No need to sort that out.
When I got to Hegeman finally, my hands were sore and cold. I carried a case of water up my steps and noticed that the fluorescent lamps were being installed. Did not want fluorescent nightmare in my room, but was already running late for Chinese Calligraphy 112. And ultimately was late. While going down, two kids were walking up and talking about how easy it will be. I wasn't sure if they meant 111 or 112 so I proceeded to the class anyway. Turns out that the slightly strange and crazy professor will be 112 teacher. I talked to two girls who said that it may be easy. Not sure. Will find out perhaps.
Saw Jon (not my Jon, but the other Jon who lives in Demarest). Helped him bring books to his room in Demarest. Talked about books he read over break and such. Went to set up Internet, which took 4 hours. Ridiculous. Freakin' patches.
Daily Show in background is distracting. Will watch.
Rice is a scary woman. Daily Show is so good.
Okay, so went to Jersey Books with Pep. Was fun good times. Almost like last spring semester. He was off to his next class. Meanwhile, Wee met me at Jersey Books (a new meeting spot?) to go to Pequot. She picked up a course packet for her Expos. II class. A mistake if anyone asks me. Expos. blows as does it's sequel. Anyway, Pequot had those cute colorful schedules. I got an orange and hot pink one. We took a bus back to my dorm and waited for her beau to call.
Called Pam to tell her I was running late for dinner. Was thinking about if I had male genitals I would have another appendage to worry about freezing off (and what an appendage to lose as well!). Was going to share idea on her voice mail, but saw EE and ran for it (as fast as me and my imagined freezing genitals would allow me). Alas, another bus later I got to Cooper for a delicious stuffed shell. I found Pam through the seduction of her sexy hair. (Check it out.)
We went to Japanese class, but there was no class. We were about 2 weeks too early. We did decide that there should be a crosswalk from Cooper's stairs to the other side. I drew a picture on the chalkboard. We also decided on something else, but it escapes me...
Ah! Another Daily Show? Sweet.
We went back to Jameson for soup du jour ala Pam. Very delicious. Kat came by and did not look very well. It sounds as if she got the cough that Jon had earlier this month. Everyone's got something creeping up. Especially because of this freezing cold cold freezing weather. Kat's hair did look sexy too.
While I was washing Pam's soup bowl and spoon I failed using Kat's sponge and liquid properly. I think that the thawing out and anticipating a very boring class next period was overwhelming.
The water kept running. The soap kept foaming. A mess.
Thawing out makes me hot and blush. I think that's my skin saying thanks for not letting the frost bite it, but at the same time it's not a good deal because it makes me feel dull and lightheaded. Maybe I've the flu? Probably not.
So with plans to come back and watch American Idol, I went to children's lit. The professor seemed intelligent enough, but strange. Ask me if you really want to know. Anyway, I have dropped that class.
I came back and this is the end of my day.
Endnotes: I doubt I will write another blog this long, but thanks for getting this far.
Get well soon Kat!