Thursday, November 4, 2004

It's in the middle.

a butt crack, a crook in someone's nose, a cold sore, an ugly outie belly button, all genitals, and assholes, and Bush supporters.

Yes I am still bitter and upset. Aren't you? Rather, why aren't you?

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

I hate Bush and his supporters

My initial reaction: we are fuckin doomed. we are fucked. we WILL be attacked again. not the fuckin people in fuckin Bible fuckin belt fuckers. we who fuckin worked--i mean really worked--to get out of nj. to get a job in nyc. to be bombed fuckin again. i don't feel fuckin safe at all in this america. and all hope is fuckin gone. stupid fuckin country.

Omar makes a funny point on his away message. I'd laugh if I so upset.
sh0ut out to all the stupid ppl that made this possible..................hehe......................................... if ya'll ever used ya'll brains, i wouldn't be here....... hehe
from, Bush

(08:50:14) Pep: you cannever underestimate the stupidity of americans

It's a sad day. I wish I could skip classes and mourn.
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