The GPS directions that got us to Bilbao made our minivan traverse a one-kilometer high mountain that was barely big enough for one car, had Lance Armstrong-types and hikers, and a recommended speed limit that was double the rate we were actually going. We took the longer way back at night (through a toll road and tunnels that went through mountains...the road actually meant for cars and not tractors or James Bond movies) since obviously going that original route would be suicidal in the dark (no lights, barely any guard rails, possible cowavalanches, and werewolves).
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Front Lawn of Hotel at Night
You can hear crickets and birds and I think a tractor and a puppy. The roomba-like lawnmower is still running. Hopefully it wont run us over when we go outside to take some photos.
Night View From Our Window
It's 10pm. We are getting bread and ice cream among other treats for dinner...also, trying to pretend we're not sick.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Barcelona Taxi Man's Dash
Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone on the radio. The guy is old,
which makes it kind of funny. Another brick in the wall.
which makes it kind of funny. Another brick in the wall.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Something Blue
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day
Mother's Day was busy. We went to see Jon's mom and por por in Chinatown for lunch, and then headed over to my parents' house for a late lunch/early dinner of BBQ foods. I made a bunch of cards for the women that were going to be at my parents' house. I couldn't get Jon to give me a good image of what to draw for his mom and por por, so I gave them some pretty letterpress/die-cut cards instead.
This one's for my grandma who used to make the most crazy delicious tennis ball-size meatballs weekly. Unfortunately, she's not been feeling so great and hasn't cooked as much in the past year.

Interior. Jon said that it was a good thing I labeled the front because it might be confused as a bloody poop. Err . . .

I made this one based on the clementine that I saw my Popo had tied on her own plant.


My mom made me my Kai-lan costume for my job's costume party (my group is a the very end). She's awesome.


My two aunts were over also.
Awhile ago, my Aunt Isabel, my dad's sister, had extra tickets for Hair, so I went to see it--at the end of it all they invited the audience up on stage, and she got up on stage to dance with everybody.


My mom's eldest sister came up from Virginia to visit. She owns several cats, so I made a Joncat, Christinacat, Domcat, Lisacat, and Chriscat.


This all took about an hour to fold the cardstock, sketch and draw the images, and write the cards out. And with crayons and leftover paper stock from wedding invitations/thank you cards, it was simple and cheap and kind of fun!
This one's for my grandma who used to make the most crazy delicious tennis ball-size meatballs weekly. Unfortunately, she's not been feeling so great and hasn't cooked as much in the past year.

Interior. Jon said that it was a good thing I labeled the front because it might be confused as a bloody poop. Err . . .

I made this one based on the clementine that I saw my Popo had tied on her own plant.


My mom made me my Kai-lan costume for my job's costume party (my group is a the very end). She's awesome.


My two aunts were over also.
Awhile ago, my Aunt Isabel, my dad's sister, had extra tickets for Hair, so I went to see it--at the end of it all they invited the audience up on stage, and she got up on stage to dance with everybody.


My mom's eldest sister came up from Virginia to visit. She owns several cats, so I made a Joncat, Christinacat, Domcat, Lisacat, and Chriscat.


This all took about an hour to fold the cardstock, sketch and draw the images, and write the cards out. And with crayons and leftover paper stock from wedding invitations/thank you cards, it was simple and cheap and kind of fun!
Thursday, May 6, 2010

*Before & After
Routed stuff around the office--consensus is that my hair is "cute!"
My boss's boss said that I looked "adorable" and then correct herself to "sophisticated and . . ." and I helped her out with "cute."
And a few of my coworkers did notice that my hair down yesterday (for its last hurrah) was superlong. And a lot of them have pointed out how much lighter my head must feel--unfortunately my hair is fairly thin, so long hair wasn't exactly weighty.
Ooh! I will weigh my donation hair tonight! (When I decided to get it chopped off, I made sure it was long enough to donate--and Locks of Love accepts layered hair as long as the longest layer is at least 10 inches.)
Today was pretty exciting though. Thank goodness it wasn't a bad haircut (like the one I got with sideburns).
Haha, just got a "Hi! Haircut!" from an editor.
The positive attention is doing wonders for my self-confidence. I recommend everyone to do something drastically positive for themselves.
Community Outreach Day!

June 29!
My department is going to volunteer at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America, the world's largest voluntary health organization dedicated to blood cancer research, education, and patient services. The mission of the Society is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma and to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
We'll be helping the main office prep for Light the Night walks this year. The walks raise money for blood cancer research, patient’s services and advocacy efforts.
And guess who the national spokesperson is! Too bad she doesn't look more excited . . .

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Wedding Advice VI

The Interfaith Catholic Ceremony
I already have some magazines but I need to pull myself together. I want to set up a meeting with my church, and I'd like to know what to expect - what questions they'll ask, etc. Since you did a Catholic ceremony and you're Catholic and he wasn't you are my model!
You just got engaged! No need to pull yourself together just yet! (Unless there's something else you're not telling us ;) )
If you go to mass tomorrow, you may just want to talk to your priest after mass to set something up. He'll ask why you want to get married in the church. If he's as laid back as P.Diddy, as long as you don't say anything anti-Catholic you're fine.

Jon and I didn't have a Catholic mass. We had an interfaith mass--which is basically the same as a Catholic mass without the extra 15 minutes of preparing and receiving the host: procession; old testament reading; new testament reading; gospel; homily; marriage rites; ring blessing; you're married! I think Catholic mass has host distribution after the ring blessing. (Our mass was 1/2 hour--4 people in processional--processionals can really drag out a wedding's timeline if there are many bridesmaids.)

Jon's Christian of some sort, but none of his family are Catholic, and it's unusual to have half the church not receiving the host or receiving it sacrilegiously. It seems like the Catholic church doesn't make you feel bad about that anymore, plus that you're not living together (yet?) is also good--there's this priest in VA that made the guy move out.

Basically, you'll meet with the priest a few times during your engagement to talk about your upcoming marriage in the church.
The first meeting, you'll take the FOCCUS test. You'll take it separately, and the choices are agree, disagree, don't know; it's scantron. It asks some basic things like: you and your partner want to be married in the church, you and your partner want children, you are afraid of your partner, your partner's drug habit makes you worry about your upcoming marriage, etc.
The second meeting the priest will have some analysis to help you "improve" your communication where you scored the lowest. (Apparently, there's a human scoring this in Newark b/c their machine is broke--but this was over a year ago, so maybe they got it fixed?) He also gave us the ceremony book to plan out our readings and wording choices.
Our third meeting was a follow up to the 2nd and talking about more specific things that I had questions about (runner necessary? strapless dresses OK? flower petals thrown in the aisle and outside OK? etc.)
At some point you'll need to do PreCana. Jon and I did a 1 day PreCana at a large church's rec center. It was painless, but a bit useless. We got breakfast--a bunch of boring people lectured (though there was a couple who was married for over 40 years that was inspiring and cute)--then lunch. Then we left at 3 (it said until 5 I think on the timeline). If you want to take PreCana seriously, you may want to do the multiple sessions that are smaller groups, but the large 1 session worked out best for us. (Jon has little patience.)
Fourth session was talking about PreCana and finalizing details. Our Lady of Fatima was $400 and came with an organist and singer.

Okay--I realize this a lot of information, but I hope this was helpful. Getting married in a Catholic church is really easy.
Eagle-eyed Managing Editor Swoops to Rescue Spine
I found a really hard to find error on my boss's spine. The designer, at first, couldn't even tell. He said I did a good job of catching it when he finally realized what I was talking about. He took a chocolate piece from my candy bowl, and I looked down and noticed that my lightweight cashmere sweater is shedding like crazy all over my black cotton dress.
Anyway, I mocked up what the spine looked like below:

I guess it's hard to tell on screen, but basically the letters that drop (g, y, and p) had some weird thing happen where the pink of the spine wasn't fully filled in because the purple of the back cover was peeping through.
Saving books from errors like these makes my day.
*Not a real book title, I think.
Anyway, I mocked up what the spine looked like below:

I guess it's hard to tell on screen, but basically the letters that drop (g, y, and p) had some weird thing happen where the pink of the spine wasn't fully filled in because the purple of the back cover was peeping through.
Saving books from errors like these makes my day.
*Not a real book title, I think.
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