This is a photo of the card with the booties I made. I found the rustic ribbon somewhere in our apartment and wrote on it: "Made Especially For Baby S...[full last name, but in case Mital and Gajan mind their names being on the Internet] With Much Love" twice to tie the booties together. I put some cash in the card, put the booties in the glassine envelope that the card came in, used the remaining rustic ribbon to tie it together, and hoped that it wouldn't get lost in the shuffle.
We were a bit late to the baby shower because Jon and I had our last meeting with P.Diddy where he basically told us that we could get married. Now we just need to provide a certificate of Jon's baptism for P.Diddy, so that P.Diddy could send out the forms for the church to approve of him marrying us.
The directions to get there worked beautifully, and we saw a few signs pointing to the baby shower. Apparently, Hetal went out in her PJs to post them around the neighborhood that morning before setting up the rest of it all. All the cars parked on that one street also helped us find the place.
The party was down in the basement, but before we could proceed, we had a bit of paperwork to fill out: writing out name tags, guessing the number of Skittles, and signing the stuffed dog.
About half an hour later (kidding), we worked our way down and were greeted warmly by everyone. They had just finished playing a game based on fill-in-the-blanks on a napkin regarding the baby.
It was great seeing everyone, especially because I hadn't seen many of them for so long. We got to catch up a bit.
Mital even gave in to opening presents because at first she was really against it since she hates opening presents in front of people. Mital and Gajan got a lot of really cool things for the baby. Unfortunately, BabysRUs screwed up the registry somehow so she got a few double items.
Besides the napkin game that we missed and losing the Skittle guessing game, another game was for the men at the party. They were to eat baby food and guess the flavors. Jon, after much insisting, was going to participate, but once he realized how it was going to operate backed out.
Basically, each guy got one spoon and dipped it into the unlabeled baby food jar, tasted it, and then passed it to the next person. Even if double dipping into the same jar didn't occur (but it did) this would have been fine for at least the first round, however, there were 7 rounds with everyone using the same spoon as the first round. Also Jon would have been the final contestant at the end of each of those rounds, which grossed him out a bit. He bowed out.
What we learned from the game was that Gajan hates the pea-flavored food. I guess it's a good thing he tried it out before giving it to his kid.
I, however, won a game! It was the best game too because I was very good at it. I scratched my best with my nail, and it revealed:
And while I did not win a baby nor a million dollars, I did win some rather tasty chocolate:
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