Wednesday, November 12, 2008

3 Things

So between landing in Japan and now 3 pretty bad things have happened to me:

1) Japan was a lot more traumatic than I thought it would be.
2) I was laid off.
3) My mom chopped off a bit too much of my hair. (We're getting married in 7.5 months.)

Today is my first and last floating holiday, but I need to finish up the project that I said I would before Friday. Friday is my last day as an full-time employed person.

My mom's theory is that 3 bad things happen and then you're safe. For example, the other day before her trip to Amsterdam/Germany/Venice, she was attacked by a softball sized snowball (maybe it came from a plane?), she was attacked by some ass of a customer that claimed he was a chemist but thought that his wife with low blood sugar was going to die without her prenatal vitamins, and then she got into a small car accident when another ass of a driver clipped her rear because the other driver was trying to pass while in a curve. She felt that after those 3 things, she's safe.

I'll post the roller coaster of a ride that Japan was, eventually, but I swear more than 3 bad things happened on that trip, and I thought I was done for the next year or even next two years. But maybe that was to prepare me for the even worse news that I was laid off. That I was laid off was not really that surprising I guess, but it still feels horrible. And on top of feeling horrible, I look it too.

Things can be fixed though and life goes on.


  1. post a picture of yourself

  2. Chin up Christina! I know you'll make it through this period.

  3. I understand how yucky you must feel about the trip (which, might I say, definitely made me think even more highly of you- you took charge and took care of people important to you!!!!) and about your job (it's not your fault, it's W and his crappy economy!) BUT...

    Nobody but nobody's gonna say my gal Christina looks bad! I'm sure your hair looks great and you're gonna look AMAZING come you're wedding day- I have no doubt about it!


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