We made it to the flight deck eventually--which is actually the second best part about the Intrepid (the first being the submarine, though it really has nothing to do with the actual ship). When we went into the Admiral's--or whoever's under the Captain--deck, we met a man who was working there that seemed really bored. Once we walked in, he asked us if we had any questions...well we just walked in, and there's signs everywhere about what things are, not that it really mattered to us. Anyway, he asked us if we were from around here, and we said, no. He suggested that we were from Miami or somewhere else, and we said, no, we're from New Jersey. He said that no one from New York ever visits the Interpid; he can understand since he was born and lived in Paris and never been to the Eiffel Tower. The Admiral's deck was not as cool as the Captain's--it was like a condensed version.
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