Thursday, March 7, 2013

Asian Jade Society's Chinese New Year Dinner

My cousin Samantha asked me to accompany her to this event
because her coworker had some free tickets.
A free Chinese banquet meal is one of the stupidest things to ever turn down,
so I agreed to go.
Then it was canceled because of Nemo.

It was rescheduled the day of a big March storm,
but thankfully the snow started after we got home.

I don't really understand what the event actually was
since the woman sitting next to me was reading the program over
my shoulder, and I just gave it to her.
But it began with a dragon dance,
followed by a bunch of speeches and awards and more speeches
(and with about a thousand people or so,
we heard mostly "shhhhhhh"
for most of the time during the speeches),
and then some weird interlude with a Hispanic lady 
singing covers of some songs
with back up dancers.

It sounds like a bad dream or something, right?

The dinner was at Jing Fong.
It was my first time eating there.
(When we looked for a possible wedding reception place, 
they said they could hold up to
three more events and have the restaurant open at the same time.
We were really not interested in that sort of set up.
Queens has better Chinese food anyway.)

It was their most basic menu
--probably $250 per table (or $25 per person)--
which included: 
shrimp with mayo (mmm!),
basket of pork and chicken (eh),
fried tofu and seafood (eh),
chicken and corn soup (eh),
steak (mmm),
lobster (eh),
and then we left since it was getting late and loud 
and there was a storm coming!

Some women were dressed appropriately for a dinner,
and some were dressed like they were ladies of the night.
Most of the men were wearing nice suits.
I had Beyonce's "If I Was a Boy" video in my head.

We left as they were doing the electric slide.

So many red faces!
Everyone looked lucky that night.
(This is what half the room looked like--it was full on.)
Everyone loves a good Chinese new year bash.


  1. Haha, yeah the food is JF is ok, too crowded for my taste. My sister Karen had her wedding banquet here and yeah it's their policy to hold other shit at the same time - damn Chinese business owners.

    1. It's insane that they can't just section things off tastefully.


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