I finally got to work earlier than I have been. It's odd--the streets are just a touch more crowded and my walk east along 42nd Street is a little cooler because the sun hasn't risen as high as it does when I'm a little later.
Around the Conde Nast building, I temporarily walked behind a man that smelled strongly like salami. When I passed him, I realized it just must be the way he smelled because he didn't have a sandwich in his hand or stick of hard salami.
What's also been weird is that there are a LOT of people selling New York Times (and maybe even the Post) along Sixth Avenue. The block with the Fox News building has at least 5 people every few feet with a New York Times. Why?
On the elevator television, I saw some chocolate chip cookies being advertised for Mother's Day. I want cookies.
At least today is Friday--but will I pay this weekend for only completing 25% of one of my three projects due Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week?
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