Friday, January 16, 2009


My dad requested chocolate pudding with whipped cream for his b-day, so I set out to find the best recipe. I'm going to get ready and venture out (first time since Tuesday) to get the whole milk (that's the only ingredient I'm missing). I should also get some cream for the whipped cream. Maybe for presentation I'll pipe some whipped cream down the center so it looks like a Hostess cupcake. Voila!

Jon suggested I try Bitman's recipe. The problem I have with this recipe is that it contains butter, and it's optional, but I have no idea what it is really for. That really annoys me.

Anyway, I'll try to post pictures if they're halfway delicious looking as the ones from the original blogger's post.


  1. I don't see how adding butter could really hurt. You should flame it with sambuca, which your dad likes. So you'd have a flaming hostess pudding with anise aroma.

  2. Jon--my dad ate it (the first bites anyway) in the morning...


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