Where am I?
Friday, September 30, 2011
Chicken + Hotel = Sexy
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Images from sites linked in articles--of course. |
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Day 36
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Day 34
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day 33
After work I went to get our mailbox key made. $2.50! Pricey!
Then I passed by Casellula where I saw Charleen and Ian. It was really nice running into them! Jon and I had dinner at Danji: tofu, sliders, tartar, fried chicken, and sablefish. Mmm. . . .
The Hour!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Day 32
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Day 31
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Day 30
It's my yee-mah and Matt's birthday! Woo-hoo!
Went home to NB tonight. Chatted with my dad. Ate delicious pork loin with mushrooms and onions and rice that Wee made. Chris kept Zara in his shirt like an alien pregnancy. She slept. Otterpop dessert. Saw NBC premieres. My mom came home. I tried on the JCrew boots. They looked weird. The shirt and dress are cute. Now to wait for the dress to go on sale. Packed leftovers for Jon. Said bye to my dad. I love when I startle him (he sleeps at 9:30) and I say, "Bye, DADDY!" And he realizes that I'm not one of my sister's runaway cats pouncing on him and says, "Bye, Baby." It's not the good-bye that I love, but being called baby. It makes me feel loved by my daddy. Baby!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Day 29
This morning on my way to work a bum kind of assaulted me and then kind of stalked me. But, because I wear flat shoes, I was able to jaywalk quickly and lose him without being run over. Is "Hey, watch your back" the new way to say "Excuse me"?
On my way home, I saw a black car/SUV caravan: there were suits in the cars/SUVs and the license plates were from NY, DC, and Ontario. Ontario?
We got part of our security deposit back from our landlady. Fuckin' bitch charged us for the mold. I mean, we had to live with it. We probably shouldn't even bothered trying to clean it. What a bitch. But lesson learned--no more renting condos from someone whose defense is, "No speak English," whenever she doesn't want to listen to reason. Like dealing with Ms. Swan.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Day 28
Monday, September 19, 2011
Day 27
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Day 26
Day 25
Friday, September 16, 2011
Day 24
Ate Teragawa Ramen. Good ramen. Love the lady. She is a no nonsense, kinda deadpan but polite. I feel that if I were her, I'd be really awesome at my job.
Saw a bunch of pilots: Ringer, Up All Night, Hank Azaria show, and Whitney. I love the baby! There should just be a show about babies. Babycom. I love when Buffy buffifies everyone. Buffify!
Day 23
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Around 6 pm, 9/14/11 |
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About an hour later |
It was windy and raining when I left work, and I was a bit underdressed for the weather since my sunburn precluded me from wearing pants. And due to the massive amount of ads I've seen for the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) and the fact that I had to try to stay up to work on the proofreading, I got a venti PSL. And I drank most of the five hundred some odd calories of it. Let's just say that the sunset was much more interesting than the nearly three hundred pages I proofread. PSL!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Type, Type, Type
I think I have two typewriters--there might be a third. My family gives me a lot of grief for keeping them because they're bulky and heavy and have completely dried out ribbons. The one my grandma kept in her closet is in great condition. It looks like one of these, but is a nice vintage green/blue that was popular a few decades ago. I think it's a Smith Corona. Underwoods were always very sexy though. One day I'm going to write something great with one of my typewriters.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Day 21
Monday, September 12, 2011
Day 20
Today we had our first dinner guests: Dani and Pam. Jon cleaned the apartment while I was sleeping last night, and since Dani wasn't on call and Pam decided not to go to the gym today, they came over to see the new digs.
I went to D'Agostino around the block from my apartment after work since dealing with the craziness at Whole Foods sort of ruins my day. At D'Agostino I picked up a small ball of mozzarella. As I learned from my trip to Whole Foods when I bought grated cheese for $12, I looked at the total price, and the mozzarella ball was going for $0.01. That's right. A penny. I was thinking that it must be wrong, but the next one I picked up was also a penny. And the next one and the next. Finally I found one that was going for $5, which made a lot more sense, but I took a chance with that cent ball. It wasn't until Dani came that I thought to check the receipt to see what it actually rang up as. The receipt said $0.01. Oh good fortune in cheese! So after dinner, Jon, Pam, Dani, and I went to D'Agostino and found at least eight additional one cent balls. And we picked up some other grocery items to, you know, maybe hide the cheese price and just because we were in a market. What can I say? We are bad ass NYers. Jon rang up his stuff (well a woman named Bertha did), and Dani rang up her stuff (Bertha did), but when it was my balls that Bertha rang up, her computer froze and basically asked her if what she was actually ringing up was balls of mozzarella. That's when our cheese fortune ended. She made Dani give back two of her three balls. Same with mine. Pam had one ball and was only charged a cent even after Bertha let all the cashiers and managers and stock boy know the mozzarella ball mistake. I guess it was nice that they weren't mean or ridiculous about our cheese balls. Balls.
The happier highlight of the evening was that Dani brought macarons from Laduree: pistachio, chocolate, vanilla, and raspberry. They were amazingly delicious! We all agreed that each flavor had something great to recommend itself. We need to try more flavors now. Macarons!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Day 19
Day 18
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Day 17
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Day 16
Monday, September 5, 2011
Day 15
Friday, September 2, 2011
Day 14
For dinner I took my leftover Kajitsu spaghetti squash and other vegetables that were in a delicious broth and added some pasta to it. Voila! Summery pasta leftover-Japanese-food salad. I also had an apple-cider doughnut from the Rockefeller Center farmer's market at work today. (My coworker bought a half dozen and shared them.) It was pretty tasty.
Today I finished a proofreading job about a girl who gets an infection from a cut. Her mom's an ER doctor though, so that the girl didn't show her mom the cut didn't seem realistic. Like, what does the girl think her mom does all day? Fluff pillows? There's more to the book, but that's the gist. The next proofreading job I have is about a robot brother from Paris. I think it might be like that creepy show about that V.I.C.I. robot from Small Wonder. (I had to look that up. That show creeped me out.) But I bet the book wins some accolades of some sort because it's just that quirky and weird. And it has illustrations.
Jon really wants to create a kind of booth in our tiny, tiny apartment. I have no idea how that's going to work. For the past few days, I've been sitting in his little nook of a den. I don't think it's working for me. The boxes surround this nook area and are taunting me. The items in the boxes are saying, "Let me out!!! Use me! Need me!! Rarrrrr!" Rarrrrrrrrrr!