Friday, January 25, 2013

Glittery Snow

It snowed on Friday.
Superglittery snow.
Like, I guess you get a sense of the glitteriness,
but there were lots more surrounding us.

I finished up a freelance project
and the longest four day work week, ever.
Jon met me at work to go to Bill's Burger.

We sat in a booth and got burgers,
mini corn dogs, and disco fries.
We ate it as if we hadn't eaten anything in a month.

It was Irish coffee day or something,
so their alcoholic shake had Baileys and Jameson.
We passed and got hot chocolates for the long trek home.

(It's been so cold out that getting a cab home has been
scarcer than getting one during a downpour.)

My sister told me about one of her patients
that had a rectal temperature of 70 degrees.
That's cold.
Your butt should be at least around 99 degrees.

NYC didn't seem to bother plowing.
The hot chocolate helped a bit, 
but the snow was hitting our faces.

Jon found it too sweet.

What was pretty about the snow
was that it like shined like little diamonds.
They weren't the fat ones.
They were small and shiny.

This is a photo we took together.
I held the camera and a hot chocolate in each hand.
Jon pressed the buttons to take the photo 
and his held his hot chocolate with each of his hands.



  1. I miss glittery snow! It's been super rainy here...

    1. You need some glittery snow! At least with the rain you'll get some double or triple rainbows though :)


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